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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Exam Return

This is almost the definition of not listening to me.
My sincerest apologies for the late update! I have been quite tired, and still am. Which explains why this post is so short. Mornings, even when I have a snowday, are always reminiscent of my insomnia the night before.

Monday, January 24, 2011


My brother came up with the text for this one. Unfortunately, he has no website I can link you to, so... Yay for him.
Sorry for the late update! I was going things and trying to figure out shading and drawing people so human that they had necks and trying to make it funny and AUGH.
So school restarts this week. Whoop-de-do. I will probably make a sarcastic post having to do with people and ridiculous expectations tomorrow.
For tonight, goodnight!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Well, time to post a comAUGH SKIN TONE.

I really did not need extended time. I did, however, draw a lovely unicorn for my teacher.
My teacher put a Guide quote on the exam. Yes.
I am FINISHED. I drew SO MUCH this week!
I'm not quite  sure if I like this "skin" thing. But what's done is done I suppose.
I think that I should fill you in on why I don't generally do skin tone. When I was younger, the stupid crayon box never had my skin color. They had red-brown, dark brown, pink, and almost everything else. But they didn't have me. And no one did! The markers, the crayons, the colored pencils. All were guilty. I still can't find fitting makeup for plays. And so I decided "screw it,"and everyone in my drawings would have lined paper skin, or notebook skin, or scrawled on the side of a test skin. Maybe I'll finally find the color with this program, but I somehow doubt it. This is still a little off.
By the way, this page has views that aren't mine. If you're reading this, please leave a comment to say hello! Or whatever. Or even troll! I think you trolls are amusing (Especially if you read a certain comic. Ahem.).
Anyway, I'll see you later. And, as a side note, the posters in the math exam room don't exist, but they should.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The News and My English Exam

Yeah. You wouldn't think it would be that hard.
This actually did happen to my exam. Not as awesome as math. Which you will learn about later.
 Oh my gosh. I updated four hours late. Forgive me.
As such (And because they'e not as polished) you get two comics today.
And because this is exam week, I'm going to go collapse now. Two more exams. I am sixty percent complete. I have two fifths remaining. Math is awesome. Like the math comic I made. That might be another black and white update tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Alien... Owl?

Look, I can't explain here. Read the blog post.
Okay. I can explain. Sort of.
You see, I drew  an owl. Just an ordinary owl. But the eyes looked odd. But I liked the eyes. So I did what anyone would have done.
I saved it under the name alien owl instead of owl.
And then I decided it didn't look sufficiently alien.
So I added a reddish brown skyline. And I added craters.
And then I thought to myself, "You know, I may as well go all out."
So then CRAZY PURPLE SKY happened, and cool tiny detailed plants happened.
And then this happened.
I just put this here because it took me a MADDENING amount of time to draw. This is a bonus.
Yes, that's right, a BONUS.
There will be a comic sometime tomorrow. I would guess around five. Either AM or PM. And either about an inside joke that made me happy or news.
I will not fill you in further. Thank you for asking.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Roller Coaster Picture

It's only fun if everyone poses. The one who doesn't ruins it. RUINS IT.

So, this is my make up comic. I guess.
We had so many ridiculous pictures. So very many.
Anyway, today is my final day to review for final exams. So I must go and at least pretend to review. I am tired of studying.  I guess I will see you on wednesday. AUGH I have a chemistry exam that day. So difficult.
Bye now!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


First off, I apologize for not updating friday. I will put up something on monday that is hopefully more sarcastic and witty and less... You know.
I will only say that it has been a difficult few days, and to tell you something you've heard before and will likely soon forget. You can take nothing for granted. You can find out one day that you have slowly been losing what you have bit by bit. And even though I saw this coming, I'm really still shocked. So you don't get my wit today, you get my sadness.
Thank you. I'll see you on monday.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oh and by the way...

Because I really do hate major edits to posts and would really prefer to make new posts, I will add a little story now.
From when I was learning to tie my shoes.
My parents got me this book. Well, it was like a book except the pages were really like slabs of condensed cardboard and there were holes throughout it in a shoe-like pattern. And through these holes there were laces.
I would attempt to free myself from the perpetual cycle of asking people to tie my shoes by studying this book. Small me would attempt to unlock the secrets of the book like Indiana Jones would ruins.
But I found nothing in the ridiculous and boring story of a rabbit running through loops. I really didn't see the point of talking about loops if they didn't involve sci-fi in some way (Yes, this is young me. I was just a weird child).
I basically invented my own way. People tried to talk me out of it because it was different, but I just didn't care.
Look, younger me would argue, There are the shoes. They are tied. What more could you possibly want? It just serves a function. I'm not doing shoe art here. (Older me would include a remark about elitist perfectionists)
And I guess some things never change. I still have my own way. And unless someone can give me evidence to the contrary, I will do it that way. And yes, I mean actual data. Without it, don't tell me how to tie my metaphoric shoes.
This is basically how I act around any street performers. Curse you, shyness. Curse yooouu.

Unrelated anecdote:
As I sat in the homeroom, I noticed a strange phenomenon on our wall.
Alongside the pictures of our class that were relatively normal (vacations, holidays, everyday pictures, etc.) there were pictures of celebrities. They ranged from a calendar featuring one star to a collage-style poster of another featuring an extreme amount of hearts on it. The odd thing was, I think they were all cutouts from magazines. Not the materials, which was to be expected, but the posters in their entirety. After accepting the shock that magazines would have such a plethora of creepy hearts on it, I moved on to a different question: What happened to the stalker I once knew?
What ever happened to the obsessive, creepily stalking, cutout individual pictures from magazines and newspapers style stalker? I suppose it is a dying era. No longer can the obsessive stalkers be the butt of our jokes or horror stories, for they are now downgraded, and integrated into everyday life.
What can you do.
I apologize for the delay in comic today. I can assure my non-existant viewership that this will not be a frequent event.
On that depressing note, I will see you later!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Bunny

Well. This is... not my usual.
I just started doodling, and then I came up with the basic design, and then I gave him red shorts, and then I added flames. You can see how these things spiral out of control.
In other news, this marks the third update this week. In other other news, my arm is killing me right now because I just got a vaccine. And I have been studying for exams! So, If I plan this right, I may b able to get a few comics up not the week of exams, but the weekend before. Or not. I'm still deciding. Either way, it will be the same amount, just spaced out more.
By the way, my dog went to the vet today. Blood test results come back tomorrow. This is probably not interesting to you.
See you later.
Wel, not see. This is the internet.
I will later post an entry in which it will appear that I am speaking directly to you, and this sentence will function as a slightly impersonal farewell.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Candy Mace

I actually did do this to my brother. In the middle of a disney park. Yeah.
I was quite pleased to come up with this solution. I also did get a little more room from people who thought I was insane. Good for them!
I have a test tomorrow. But I am practicing not freaking out. It appears to be working.
I am tired tonight, so to make up for my perceived lack of cleverness I may post one of the filler doodles I made or a not-so-great comic.
I'm going to go practice my maniacal laugh. Bye now!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


You may want to check the panic-fire before it spreads to others. Or before I use a literal fire extinguisher on you.

As you may have guessed, my school has exams soon. Well, in two weeks. And people have already started to flip out.
Honestly, people with no perspective bug me. I'm not saying drop out of school because the world is bigger than that. But for god's sake, must you really hyperventilate about exams before winter break has even started?
Seriously. You people need to chill.
Anyway, I was excited about the color and posted early. Cue a "Ta-da."
It looks... well, I think it needs some work...
A lot of work....
Moving on, I hope that school is going well for anyone in school and that life beyond school is going well for anyone not, except for the people I dislike.
I wish them nothing.
See you later!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years

Happy New Years, everybody.

Hello Internet folks.
I'm writing this on the plane. I won't be able to post it until later, but writing it on the plane counts for something, right?
Okay, I had to put my iPad away for a while there but I'm back. Ten thousand feet, huh? Weird. We took off quite unsteadily after a twenty minute wait, like a drunken bird about to crash into a window. Oddly enough, this is not a comforting simile to have in one's head while flying.
Also, the woman sitting next to us has an astounding number of sequins in her shirt. When the plane tilts correctly, she makes the row look like a disco.
While I was in Disney, I noticed that a large number of people seem to think that any collision or misstep is not their fault. I seemed to apologize time and time again with no audible response. Once, a person on a scooter polities through our group while telling us to watch where we were going. It was quite disheartening.
By the way, I have made a number of pictures for you. Yes, you.
There are thirty seven. Yep. Although the majority of those are filler pictures. Let me count how many are actual comics...
However, with such a backlog I feel fairly confident in going into a Wednesday and Friday schedule with the comics. I may even sprinkle in the twenty seven filler pages on other days. Exciting, I know. Well, sort of. Whatever.
Well, I consider this a successful post. Anecdotes and news. Alright, I'll post this when I get home.
Bye now!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Drawing Ability +17!

Exciting news! I now have an iPad! More importantly, or at least more pertinent to you guys, I now have a scanner free way of drawing things! And of coloring things! New years sketch as soon as I can upload it. I hope you all had as interesting a holiday as I did.