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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This is basically how I act around any street performers. Curse you, shyness. Curse yooouu.

Unrelated anecdote:
As I sat in the homeroom, I noticed a strange phenomenon on our wall.
Alongside the pictures of our class that were relatively normal (vacations, holidays, everyday pictures, etc.) there were pictures of celebrities. They ranged from a calendar featuring one star to a collage-style poster of another featuring an extreme amount of hearts on it. The odd thing was, I think they were all cutouts from magazines. Not the materials, which was to be expected, but the posters in their entirety. After accepting the shock that magazines would have such a plethora of creepy hearts on it, I moved on to a different question: What happened to the stalker I once knew?
What ever happened to the obsessive, creepily stalking, cutout individual pictures from magazines and newspapers style stalker? I suppose it is a dying era. No longer can the obsessive stalkers be the butt of our jokes or horror stories, for they are now downgraded, and integrated into everyday life.
What can you do.
I apologize for the delay in comic today. I can assure my non-existant viewership that this will not be a frequent event.
On that depressing note, I will see you later!

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