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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oh and by the way...

Because I really do hate major edits to posts and would really prefer to make new posts, I will add a little story now.
From when I was learning to tie my shoes.
My parents got me this book. Well, it was like a book except the pages were really like slabs of condensed cardboard and there were holes throughout it in a shoe-like pattern. And through these holes there were laces.
I would attempt to free myself from the perpetual cycle of asking people to tie my shoes by studying this book. Small me would attempt to unlock the secrets of the book like Indiana Jones would ruins.
But I found nothing in the ridiculous and boring story of a rabbit running through loops. I really didn't see the point of talking about loops if they didn't involve sci-fi in some way (Yes, this is young me. I was just a weird child).
I basically invented my own way. People tried to talk me out of it because it was different, but I just didn't care.
Look, younger me would argue, There are the shoes. They are tied. What more could you possibly want? It just serves a function. I'm not doing shoe art here. (Older me would include a remark about elitist perfectionists)
And I guess some things never change. I still have my own way. And unless someone can give me evidence to the contrary, I will do it that way. And yes, I mean actual data. Without it, don't tell me how to tie my metaphoric shoes.


  1. You should consider writing more stories. Perhaps adding them to your comics? This one is so captivating. So simple, yet it says so much. It's nice to see someone else stick to what they believe and follow through on it instead of following the crowd. You are making a good point here, there is no art to tying shoes. Ppl often get sucked into doing things b/c the society does them. Why shouldn't we deviate from the routine and try something new? It may actually make more sense...I hope your readers will appreciate this story as much as I do...
    P.S. Shoes with zippers are nicer anyways...

  2. Wait, zipper shoes? The shoe universe is larger than I have ever imagined!
