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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Alien... Owl?

Look, I can't explain here. Read the blog post.
Okay. I can explain. Sort of.
You see, I drew  an owl. Just an ordinary owl. But the eyes looked odd. But I liked the eyes. So I did what anyone would have done.
I saved it under the name alien owl instead of owl.
And then I decided it didn't look sufficiently alien.
So I added a reddish brown skyline. And I added craters.
And then I thought to myself, "You know, I may as well go all out."
So then CRAZY PURPLE SKY happened, and cool tiny detailed plants happened.
And then this happened.
I just put this here because it took me a MADDENING amount of time to draw. This is a bonus.
Yes, that's right, a BONUS.
There will be a comic sometime tomorrow. I would guess around five. Either AM or PM. And either about an inside joke that made me happy or news.
I will not fill you in further. Thank you for asking.


  1. I saw this picture and I thought: "Wow! I really like her color choices!" And then I read your explanation. Hmmm....

  2. @Anonymous Wow, I didn't know I could make this seem more abnormal than it was. ^u^
