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Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years

Happy New Years, everybody.

Hello Internet folks.
I'm writing this on the plane. I won't be able to post it until later, but writing it on the plane counts for something, right?
Okay, I had to put my iPad away for a while there but I'm back. Ten thousand feet, huh? Weird. We took off quite unsteadily after a twenty minute wait, like a drunken bird about to crash into a window. Oddly enough, this is not a comforting simile to have in one's head while flying.
Also, the woman sitting next to us has an astounding number of sequins in her shirt. When the plane tilts correctly, she makes the row look like a disco.
While I was in Disney, I noticed that a large number of people seem to think that any collision or misstep is not their fault. I seemed to apologize time and time again with no audible response. Once, a person on a scooter polities through our group while telling us to watch where we were going. It was quite disheartening.
By the way, I have made a number of pictures for you. Yes, you.
There are thirty seven. Yep. Although the majority of those are filler pictures. Let me count how many are actual comics...
However, with such a backlog I feel fairly confident in going into a Wednesday and Friday schedule with the comics. I may even sprinkle in the twenty seven filler pages on other days. Exciting, I know. Well, sort of. Whatever.
Well, I consider this a successful post. Anecdotes and news. Alright, I'll post this when I get home.
Bye now!

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