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Monday, May 9, 2011

LED Throws

LED lights attached to a magnet and a battery. Fun near-vandalizing times. Fun times.

Have I mentioned how much I love LED lights? I love them a lot. So shiny.
Well, it's late(ish) and I still have a ton of work to do. So this must be farewell.


  1. What are led lights?

  2. These:

  3. Just so people know, I did not delete any comments!
    Blogger threw a hissy fit yesterday and deleted a few. I don't delete comments unless they are spam. Or people masquerading as my pet dog (you know who you are).

  4. Wait, how is it possible that an outside person (aka blogger) is able to delete your comments? Weird.

  5. ...In fact, it's vandalism.

  6. The website was sort of down for a bit. Not the whole thing, just the commenting section. I guess it deleted some recent comments as a side-effect.

  7. Wait, where is your "ask me...." link? I'm confused! Plus, it appears as though you haven't posted anything in a while. I hope you are OK!

  8. Formspring was consuming a lot of time. I might re-post the link there eventually!
    As for not posting, I am very sorry about that. I have exams coming up, so life has been hectic at best and zombie-like-emerging-from-piles-of-books at worst.
    As such, I may be unable to post for a couple weeks. I'll let you guys (quite possibly the plural now. That's exciting.) know soon with any luck.

  9. OK. Thanks for the heads-up. Good to know you are OK. Exams are important. You do have a good reason, so you are forgiven and we understand (well, I should speak for myself.) ;-)
    Good luck with your preparations and the exams.
