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Monday, May 9, 2011

Straight A's

It's the rabies face!
Above is my explanation for why I haven't updated since April.
School has been complete and utter madness, which makes it really difficult to keep perspective on the schoolwork itself. And then we have rabies face.
I owe you..... I think four comics? I have two, so maybe I'll try to keep it at owing you two comics until the schoolwork lightens up in.....
I'm gonna DIEEEEE.
In all seriousness, I apologize for the absence. One more comic posted tonight!
To be co-


  1. OK, I am officially going to quote this many, many times to come...I can so empathize with you! You are seriously starting to challenge me, because I'm having increasing difficulty deciding which comic of yours is my favorite.

    BTW: Having a bit trouble reading what's written on your shirt.
    BTW 2: Did you miss the "h" in the word "straight" on purpose? (I wouldn't blame you if you did - overstudying will do all sorts of things to you...Yesterday, I almost placed my toothbrush inside the fridge.
    BTW 3 (well, not exactly a "BTW", but it kind of flowed...): Good luck with all of your school work - it sounds intense!

    Also the shirt says "STAND BACK I'M GOING TO TRY SCIENCE"

  3. Cool! Thanks! Cool choice!
    P.S. Can I still quote you??? I can omit the typo, if you'd like. BTW: Don't worry about it. I just thought I'd address it in case there was a reason behind it. Good studying!!!

  4. Yeah, you can feel free to quote this! Although I'd like to ask that if you use the image anywhere that you say where it's from. ^u^

  5. Okay, I think my comment here might have been deleted as well.
    You can feel free to quote the comic, but if you use the image anywhere I would really appreciate it if you could link back to the website.
