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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


No I just have to do this-- Now would be a great time to organize the comics on my computer.
Yeah, this is a pretty common theme the day before a comic. My school work suffers! All for my potentially existing readers!
I am sick today. Not badly, just a little. But that is why I actually have content when I promised it. Weird, right?
Readers, if you exist, please comment.
I see rows of no comments, and it makes me sad. So, please. What if I said I make more comics when I am less sad?
Have a nice day! I can't say goodnight because it's afternoon here.
See you on friday with hilarity! Or at least mild amusement.

Edit: Oh, and someone else linked me to their blog! Or, comic? Whatever mine is, this has a similar title. You should probably go check it out!


  1. Get a spot in your local newspaper! :)

  2. I am now a reader, and I approve this message. (Thanks for the linkback, BTW! ^^ )

  3. Okay, I don't even know if there's a reply function, but @theeyesofmarch Thanks, and no problem! And @Anonymous I will consider it, but I am a rather large chicken.

  4. This is really funny! Love and miss ya! -Gabby
