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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hey there, internet.

I was bored. So I turned to google.
I searched for the answers to life. The unbearable cheesy ones (too cheesy to mention!) concerning love, the nature of life, etc.
I have reached the following conclusion.
1) Many people using the internet can't spell.
-Honestly, if I elaborate I may become suicidal.
2) It is HILARIOUS to see someone correct someone on spelling while using improper spelling/grammar.
-Find this. It is the most satisfying thing to see.
3) No answers to what you're looking for can be found through anyone else.
-Then it'll just be their answers. Which means that the question they're answering isn't your question anymore, it's just an interpretation based on their experiences. This sums up to me being all aloof and saying if everyone is unique, no one really understands anyone else.
There is your snippet of my brain for today.
Tomorrow- comic about molecules hopefully?

1 comment:

  1. So, side note: did you know that if you type "the answer to life, the universe, and everything" into google, google calculator pops up with the answer "42?" This makes me like google people. I was just rereading So Long and Thanks for All the Fish rather than write my Whitman essay, actually. Whitman is awesome, but DNA>>>Whitman any day. ;D (Only a third of the year left until Towel Day!)

    Right, onto your post. ;D

    1) IKNORITE? I used to do text-based RPs when I was younger - much, much younger ;D (like, 10-ish) - and half the time I'd leave a board because the entire topic was becoming what we in the rp-world called "illiterate." ;D

    2) Yes. Yes, it is. ;D

    3) That is definitely very Emersonian of you. ;D

    Comic about molecules? Was this the one you refused to show me? ;D
