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Monday, November 29, 2010

Look at that! The image worked! I may not leave you after all, blogger.

Am I the only one who finds it weird that the school would send us a list of attacks that happened in our area?
I wish that people would... live once in a while. Enjoy life for what it is. Just be happy.
And by just be happy, I don't mean appreciate all that you are given. What good is that when everyone comes from different backgrounds and situations?
I mean be happy independent of whatever is going on. Know that the world will continue to spin. Realize that even something that may seem horrible now may fade away in the long run. Be happy because the future depends on what you do, not what you did.
And know that if you really hate where you're at, nothing binds you after 18.
(That was sort of kidding.)
Haha! Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. Did I miss an email or something? I don't remember seeing a safety one recently ...
    But great comic, even if I am missing context! ;D The last panel totally makes it. ;D

    Also, Chem homework tonight: evil or very evil? ;D
