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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


You know where procrastination gets you? NOWHERE, PUNK.
So there's a new comic. Three, actually. First is the three panels on the left that are just what I think of when I imagine the various states of matter (solid, liquid, gas). Yes, my brain is weird. How nice of you to notice. Jerk.
Next is the 3-in-one-panel mess on the right that is about our recent experiments with gas. And more HCL. Notice a theme here?
And last and possibly least is the panel-less rant at the bottom. If you can't read it, please just leave a comment because I'm bad at typing and I won't unless I have to.
Happy holidays or whatever. Or you could be like me and only celebrating for a vacation/family time/presents. Happier Holidays to you, then. We're against the system.
Oh, and speaking of religion I don't care about, I argued some rabid religious person to tthe ground about religion (or against religion) on omegle. Pointless, yes, because as sad as it is they will never really argue, they just yell their points and don't listen, but more fun than those... idiots who begin with "asl?" I hate them so much. It's astounding.
But you didn't come here to listen to me rant. Or did you?
Why did you come here, anyway?

1 comment:

  1. Oh hai.

    Now I'm /definitely/ sure that's I in the second comic, because that braid is a dead giveaway. ;D

    But if you're at STP, doesn't a gas have a set, constant density? *needs to go ask sister about this*

    Eh, I'm not all that religious, but I generally can't be bothered to deal with it unless it's someone being intolerant. If they want to be religious, that's cool with me. We all have our own belief structures/safety nets/mental conditioning things. ;D
    If they're intolerant, though, I can get ... aggravated. ;D


    Merry Christmas, by the way! ;D
    *heads off to watch The A-Team with siblings ;D*
