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Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Know What You're Thinking

"What the crap, Laura? Three posts in and you're already not following through? This is such bull-"
Whoa there, internet user. No need to get nasty.
Yes, I realize that there should be a witty comic here that has something to do with Hydrochloric Acid. Yes, I realize that making up lame excuses on merely the third blog post is quite pathetic. But here goes.
My scanner is a jerk.
I know that you, as people on the internet that I may or may not know, deserve better.
But now I'm moving on.
My brother has informed me that I should get an actual website. I don't know about having an actual website.
Or how to design one.
But it... sounds cool?
That would be an actual legitimate webcomic...
I would keep the name...