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Saturday, April 16, 2011


A pokémon joke was inevitable, really. Please, let someone get it.
Hello there!
It's a three day weekend (in Massachusetts because we have, essentially, a made up holiday), and I wanted to post some of the random doodles that I make. And also a pokémon joke.
Anyway, doodles. The circles and the snake are doodle games (or variations of doodle games) from
I'm going to go take care of some hermit crabs.


  1. Okay, I know there are /some/ people reading this. Are you guys afraid of commenting? Seriously, I'm like a bee in that I'm more afraid of you than you are of me.
    But I don't sting. Yeah, I'm not very much like a bee at all, actually.

  2. haha ok i'll comment! laura i think these comics are really good! see you thursday :)
    -Danielle from saddle rowe

  3. Amazing comics...I just wish you would post more often...I think I'm becoming addicted! Can't wait for your next one!
