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Saturday, February 19, 2011


Because it was never going to be an option to attend this anyway. Never.

Sorry for the comic, it's black and white, I was tired (as will be explained later). I think it's pretty self explanatory. I hate everything used to describe this dance, pretty much. Also, people keep abusing the power of making things glow in the dark.
Now to explain why I am tired.
I had  fight with someone WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS. And I just feel exhausted and it's not going to work out in my favor but things have been worse. I made some really moody comic-portraits which may be up tomorrow in exchange for you people not being mad that I was late and with a black and white comic. Yay.
Because I am tired, I'm just going to... I don't know, even. I just don't know.


  1. Aww, I'm sorry I can't come. *sadface* I have New Englands this weekend, though, so ... :/
    At least we're not having the dance, right? ;D
    (Also, I like the fingers. Those are cool and well-drawn. ;D)

  2. i think it w4s m3 with whom sh3 fought. :o)
